If you are interested in becoming a member of our community, youth, leader or committee member, please contact our Group Commissioner.
Group |
Group Commissioner | Yvonne (Sunshine) van Lith |
Group Treasurer | Yvonne (Sunshine) van Lith |
Group Registrar | Yvonne (Sunshine) van Lith |
Group Administrator/Secretary | Andrew (Tic Tac) Pullin |
Group Quartermaster | Dan (Acorn) Sweet |
Group Fundraisers - Apple Days | VACANT |
Group Fundraisers - Scouts Popcorn | VACANT |
Group Fundraisers - Scout Seeds | VACANT |
Beavers |
Beaver Scouter / Contact | Andrew (Tic Tac) Pullin |
Beaver Scouter | Jared (Hawkeye) van Lith |
Beaver Scouter | Tanya (Echo) Simoneau |
Beaver Scouter | Dan (Acorn) Sweet |
Beaver Scouter | Mac (Rascal) Davis-Kelly |
Beaver Scouter | Guy (Wiley) Holmwood-Bramwell |
Beaver Scouter | Sonya (Rainbow) Levac |
Beaver Scouter | Paul (tbd) Oleniuk |
Cubs |
Cub Scouter / Contact | Leah (Akela) Elwell |
Cub Scouter | Jim (Mang) Murphy |
Cub Scouter | Sarah (Chip) Dewar |
Cub Scouter | Richard (Bagheera) Moore |
Cub Scouter | Nadia (Hathi) Afara |
Cub Scouter | Gil (Rikki Tikki Tavi) Eamer |
Cub Scouter | Jason (Baloo) Hirst |
Cub Scouter | Fiona (Chill) Cummings |
Scouts |
Scouter / Contact | Peter Reid |
Scouter | Steve Leonhard |
Scouter | Harrie Jones |
Scouter | Peter Kealey |
Scouter | VACANT |
Scouter | VACANT |
Venturers |
Venturer Advisor | Robert Bakker |
Venturer Advisor | Yvonne (Sunshine) van Lith |
Venturer Advisor | Leah (Akela) Elwell |
Venturer Advisor | VACANT |
Rovers |
Rover Advisor | VACANT |
Rover Advisor | VACANT |
Group Committee
Group Committee Meetings
Mondays, 7-8:30, Gloucester Church: Mar 3, May 5 and
Thursday, 7-8:30, Greenboro Pavilion: July 24
Group Committee is responsible for providing service and support to the section leaders and providing for Quality Programs on behalf of Scouts Canada. Through the Group Commissioner, the Group Committee provides the administrative foundation for the section leaders to do their job.
All Scouters, Venturers, Rovers, are welcome and encouraged to attend. It is requested that a least one Scouter from each section, one Venturer, one Rover, attends Group Committee.
All Agendas, Minutes & Treasurer Reports available upon request. Email your request to the Group Commissioner
Where do registration fees go?
Approximately 10% goes directly to the 137th Ottawa Scouts Group to help cover basic Group costs, such as badges and craft supplies.
90% of your registration fee goes to Scouts Canada to cover the cost of:
- Training materials and resources for leaders
- Planning programs and activities for youth (these must be planned meticulously to ensure compliance with insurance and health standards)
- Publications and handbooks
- Providing service and support to 20 Councils across Canada
- Volunteer servicing expenses
- World Scouting fee
- Risk Management
Dollar for dollar, Scouts Canada’s programs provide significant value to its members. Programs run all year long and include many adventures such as camping trips that kids will remember for a lifetime. Most importantly, Scouting makes a difference in the lives of children, youth and young adults. They are more likely to demonstrate greater self-confidence and optimism about what the future holds. They express a strong sense of civic responsibility and have a desire to “pay back” the community. They become more physically fit, energetic, outgoing, conscientious and compassionate.
Parent Engagement
Scouts Canada Parent Engagement
There are many ways for parents to participate in the Scouting experience!
Whether you want to participate and help out as a parent helper or work towards becoming a Scouter, Scouts Canada wants to ensure you have the skills necessary to help youth get the most from their Scouting experience.
Important note: In roles where parents will be interacting with youth other than their own child, they may do so as a parent participant 3 – 5 times a year, after which they must complete Scouts Canada’s volunteer screening requirements (PRC, VSS, Code of Conduct and Child and Youth Safety Training).
For complete guidelines and details, refer to Scouts Canada’s Volunteer Screening Policy and Frequently Asked Questions.
All parents are encouraged to take the Child and Youth Safety Training on Scouts Canada’s online training Website: Log in as yourself and select TRAINING, seen on the top right corner of the website.