JOTA-JOTI October 18-20

Meet Scouts from Around the World

JOTA-JOTI 2024 | Scouts for a Greener World (

What is Jamboree-On-The-Internet (JOTI)?

JOTI is an annual event in which Scouts and Guides from all corners of the world connect with each other through the internet. Digital signals carry their voices, pictures and messages all around the world. Connecting virtually with young people from other countries gives a feeling of the worldwide fellowship that scouting is.

What is Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA)?

JOTA-JOTI is an annual event in which Scouts all over the world connect with each other by means of internet and amateur radio. Short-wave radio signals carry their voices to virtually any corner of the world.

It's the sheer excitement of having a live conversation with a fellow Scout at some other place in the world that attracts so many young people to this event.

JOTA-JOTI is a real Jamboree during which Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared.

The use of amateur radio techniques offers an extra educational dimension for Scouts. Many boys and girls grasp the opportunity to discover the world of wireless radio techniques and electronics.

You will need the support of at least one licensed amateur radio operator or the support of a local amateur radio club if you want to use amateur radio for JOTA-JOTI.

Amateur radio operator is enthusiastic about their hobby and most of them will be willing to help you participate in the JOTA-JOTI.

The national amateur radio organization in your country will be able to give you the contact of an amateur radio operator in your area. You can find contact information for your national amateur radio organization on the website of the International Amateur Radio Union or, simply search online for information locally on Amateur Radio.

The amateur radio operator may suggest that the Scouts visit his/her station during the JOTA-JOTI weekend, or bring his/her equipment to your local headquarters, or campsite.

Often JOTA-JOTI Amateur Radio Stations have been set up in unusual locations such as at the top of a mountain or on a boat.

Amateur Radio operators have obtained a license (they passed a technical examination to obtain this license) for their radio transmissions from the authorities in their country. License conditions vary from country to country.

Thousands of Amateur Radio operators will assist the Scouts over the JOTA-JOTI weekend with their knowledge, equipment, enthusiasm and ethics (Please read the Amateur Radio Code of Conduct).

In some countries, Scouts may speak over the air themselves; in others, special permission can be obtained for Scouts to speak on the radio themselves during the JOTA-JOTI weekend.

Where Scouts are not allowed to speak over the air, the licensed operator will have to make the contacts. If the operator is not a Scout or leader, they will need a special briefing about Scouting and your group. The operator should be able to talk about Scouting in your local area and be able to have friendly and informative exchanges on behalf of the present Scouts.

The Scouts can help briefing the operator and telling him the sort of things they would like to find out from other Scouts.

Be sure that any amateur radio operator, or other external supporter, is aware of your safeguarding / child protection policies for the event.

Read about BE SAFE during JOTA-JOTI and LISTENING EAR support at